Webcast: Easing Into Consulting; Consulting on The Side & Other Approaches

  • Tuesday, 10 May 2022 5:00PM UTC (10 May 2022 17:00 UTC)
  • Speaker: Ted Demopoulos

Many people want to consult so they can choose their work, have more freedom, and have more opportunities to make great money. Yet many never start or start late. You do NOT need to dive in by immediately quitting your job; there are other approaches. There are simple concrete things you can do to create great opportunities in consulting and to be ready when they happen while fully employed! You can take significant 'baby steps'. One approach is to make yourself look like the great and hirable person you are to potential clients and look for a large consulting gig before you jump. Another approach is to consult on the side in addition to your regular job. This can be straightforward or complex, and in a surprising number of jobs it is not only possible, but sometimes your employer may actually encourage it. Other times your employer may be more restrictive yet there are often still plenty of opportunities. In this talk we will look at options for moving into consulting while minimizing the risk of immediately jumping in. Plenty of case studies of people like you who have been there and are consulting today are included!