SANS 2020 Vulnerability Management Survey

  • Tuesday, 10 Nov 2020 1:00PM EST (10 Nov 2020 18:00 UTC)
  • Speaker: David Hazar

This year's Vulnerability Management Survey focuses on how organizations ' vulnerability programs are evolving and maturing in response to changing technology, architecture and design. It also explores how organizations are identifying vulnerabilities in their applications and non-traditional infrastructure. Additionally, the survey looks at how organizations are prioritizing vulnerabilities and what risk attributes they are using to prioritize or group work. Finally, the survey explores who is responsible for treating or remediating discovered vulnerabilities, and how mature the respondents feel they are at managing different types of vulnerabilities within different technology components, services and even third-parties or partners.

The survey will address key issues such as:

  • How organizations are discovering different types of vulnerabilities on different systems and within their applications along with discovery frequencies
  • What remediation processes are operational and the level of maturity
  • How vulnerabilities are prioritized and whether deadlines are established
  • Who in the organization is responsible for the different processes related to vulnerability management

Register today to be among the first to receive the associated whitepaper written by SANS analyst, author, and instructor David Hazar.

Click here to register for a companion webcast, to be held at 1 PM ET on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, a panel discussion with survey author David Hazar and selected sponsors that digs more deeply into the survey results.


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