SANSトレーニングでは、サイバーセキュリティの知識とスキルを提供し、皆さんその資産を守るためにサポートをします。是非SANS Tokyo Winter 2024で、実践的なサイバーセキュリティのスキルを身につけてください。
SANS Tokyo Winter 2024の特徴:
- 実際に最前線で活躍しているプロフェッショナルによる実践的なサイバーセキュリティトレーニング
- 仮想環境での実践的な演習
- 電子ファイルと印刷されたテキスト
- GIAC認定資格に対応(一部未対応)
Come to Tokyo For Hands-On Cyber Security Training
Discover the most effective steps to prevent cyber-attacks and detect adversaries with actionable techniques taught by top practitioners during SANS Tokyo Winter 2024. Choose your course and register now for hands-on training you can use immediately.
SANS Tokyo Winter 2024 Features
- In-Person or Live Online training (see Available Courses for details)
- Practical cyber security training taught by real-world practitioners
- Hands-on labs in a virtual environment
- Courses include electronic and printed books
- Opportunity to earn CPEs to demonstrate ongoing skill development
- Most courses aligning with GIAC certifications to validate your knowledge
Please Note: The SEC504 class at this event will be taught in Japanese. All other classes at this event can be taken with simultaneous translation into the Japanese language.