Speed Kills Malware: How 20ms Puts You in the Driver’s Seat

  • Thursday, 16 Dec 2021 1:00PM EST (16 Dec 2021 18:00 UTC)
  • Speakers: Jake Williams, Karen Crowley, Director of Solutions Marketing, Deep Instinct, Robert Boudreaux, Regional CTO, Deep Instinct
  • 1.5 secs: Ransomware begins to spread, infect, and encrypt
  • 3 secs: Malware has control and elevate privileges
  • 1 minute: Avg time to detect unknown malware

We will examine the approaches to prevent and detect threats with AI, ML, and DL, and dive into how deep learning (DL) provides greater speed and accuracy to stop malware faster than ML. Learn more on the chronology of an unknown attack and why 20ms is the difference between security and a breach.

