
  • Wednesday, 24 Oct 2018 10:30AM EST (24 Oct 2018 14:30 UTC)
  • Speaker: Justin Henderson

Commercial off the shelf (COTS) products are rarely the majestic unicorn the vendor makes it out to be.

As security professionals, we all have our fair share of complaints about the SIEM we invested in and the functionality promised, but what if I told you that with actionable dashboards, log enrichment, and tactical analytics - we can save your frustration and give added value to your investment?

Join me, Justin Henderson, author of SEC455 and SEC555'to discuss how to get the most out of your SIEM implementation. We'll discuss the true potential of a SIEM when modern detection techniques are applied, how we can improve as SIEM users, and how we can push our vendors to improve.

Learn more about SANS new courses for SIEM.