Note: This webcast is free of charge however a SANS portal account is required (see webcast link for details). With your Account you can view the archived version and download slides at any time after the webcast.
SANS Asia-Pacific Webcast Series- From Seizure to Actionable Intelligence in 90 Minutes or Less
An effective battlefield forensicator must investigate large amounts of data quickly while maintaining data collection integrity and defensibility, often within high-stress environments. SANS is proud to introduce the FOR498: Digital Acquisition and Rapid Triage, a new course authored by Instructors Eric Zimmerman and Kevin Ripa. This webcast gives you an overview of the contents of the 6-day course and the myriad of topics being covered. The speaker dives deeper into a couple of the highlights, including booting an .E01 file in VMware to view the contents as though we were sitting at the subject's computer without spoliating the source evidence; discussing non-traditional acquisitions, and write blocking of devices that don't lend themselves to the traditional methods of protecting source data. It covers a lot of ground in a little time, so bring a seatbelt!