Organizations often spend a lot of money on security, but still fail to properly prevent attacks. The reason is organizations often focus on doing good things, but not focused on the right things that really matter.'the newly updated and rewritten Security Essentials: SEC 401, shows you how to win by having a proper approach to Prevention. 'While prevention will never be 100%, it is still an important part of security. 'Yet many organizations have various preventive devices from firewalls to IPS, but have no idea how effective they are. Learn from cyber security expert and SEC401 course author, Dr. Eric Cole, on how to design, implement, verify and validate a proper approach to prevention. Learn how to use metrics to proper measure, assess and improve your overall security. 'No matter your experience or background, this webcast will not only show you how to properly perform detection, but also how SEC401 can help improve your skills and take your career to the next level. In this webcast you will learn: