Pink Elephants: How to Embrace the Challenges Already in the Room

  • Wednesday, 20 Apr 2022 10:30AM EDT (20 Apr 2022 14:30 UTC)
  • Speaker: Dutch Schwartz

In the conclusion of our series, Part 3 of 3, on the impacts of cognitive biases in cybersecurity, we'll examine those elephants we've been so blissfully ignoring. Why do we keep feeding them, and how do we set them free? Learn 3 tips that you can implement before your next executive briefing.

About the Speaker

Dutch Schwartz is a cloud security strategist who collaborates with several of the world’s largest enterprises. He enables CISOs and security architects to safely accelerate cloud adoption which drives business outcomes. A sought-after panelist and speaker on strategy, culture, and cloud security challenges, he holds an MBA in Global Management and cybersecurity certificates from MIT and Harvard University.