Security organizations of all sizes are realizing the increasing value ofcyber threat intelligence (CTI). Unfortunately, many teams get \stuck"at one phase and never get the complete value CTI offers. Whether you'reconsidering which services to purchase, whether to use open threat feedsor looking at integration methods it's important to remember the finalgoal: Turning threat intel data into real, actionable information that canhelp with detection and response.
No matter which stage of CTI implementation or planning you're at, we havesome tactical and real-world advice to get your CTI project to completion.
In this webcast, we'll cover the following:
-CTI Planning and Research: What types of threat intelligence should youconsider? What sources of threat intelligence make the most sense for you?How can you accurately gauge the effectiveness and quality of a threatintelligence source or provider?
-CTI Implementation: What formats are most useful for CTI feeds and data?What are some best practices for integrating CTI feeds into existingmonitoring and correlation tools? Do you need dedicated systems formanaging and using threat intelligence data?
-CTI for Security Operations: Now that you have CTI, what are someeffective use cases to get value from the data? How can you put that CTIdata to good use in daily monitoring, detection, response, andinvestigation activities in your environment?
Join us for this and more!