Gray Rhinos: Finding the Signal within the Cosmic Background Radiation We Call Cybersecurity

  • Tuesday, 12 Apr 2022 10:30AM EDT (12 Apr 2022 14:30 UTC)
  • Speaker: Dutch Schwartz

In Part 2 of our series on cognitive biases we’ll dig into the most actionable opportunities for improvement of our security programs. The media mislabels events as Black Swans when, in fact, we had good signal they were likely to happen. Enter, the Gray Rhino. From the session you’ll gain perspective from other disciplines that will help you spot the Gray Rhinos - before they trample you.

About the Speaker

Dutch Schwartz is a cloud security strategist who collaborates with several of the world’s largest enterprises. He enables CISOs and security architects to safely accelerate cloud adoption which drives business outcomes. A sought-after panelist and speaker on strategy, culture, and cloud security challenges, he holds an MBA in Global Management and cybersecurity certificates from MIT and Harvard University.