While current anti-phishing solutions usually cover basic entry-level phishing scams using reactive inside-the-firewall defenses, a billion of potential variations of sophisticated phishing scams are already being planned and executed everywhere on the internet, entirely undisturbed, evading most current detection tools.
Today's phishing attacks are no longer performed by scruffy hoodie covered villains, but by sophisticated, risk-calculating, online marketing experts who take social engineering to new heights. By constantly using A/B testing to improve their technology with each attack, they know how to tell a convincing story that would trick even the savviest users, causing irreversible reputational and financial damages to brands worldwide. '
In this talk, we will go through:
❏ Why today's anti-phishing solutions cannot protect against tomorrow's sophisticated customer-focused phishing attacks.
❏ Why only solutions that proactively scan the web for content scraping, brand, and non-brand related manipulation can prevent and block planned attacks before they even launch.
❏ How an innovative 4-step solution covers over 99.97% of planned phishing attacks across the web, incorporating best-of-breed detection, non-brand defense, take-down, and deception.