Cyber threat intelligence (CTI) usage is maturing, but organizations still have a long way to go, based on our 2016 CTI survey results. This webcast will cover improvements in CTI usage and integration over the past year, as well as what CTI consumers would like to improve.
In this webcast, featuring Dave Shackleford, senior SANS instructor and GIAC technical director, attendees will learn:
Click here to be among the first to receive the associated whitepaper written by Dave Shackleford.
This is the second part of a two-part webcast series releasing our 2017 CTI survey results. The first webcast, on Wednesday, March 15, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. Eastern, will focus on the how CTI is being implemented and the inhibitors that affect organizations' ability to establish and maintain programs. Click here to register for the Part 1 webcast.