Critical Controls Security Briefing

  • Wednesday, 04 Mar 2015 8:30AM EDT (04 Mar 2015 13:30 UTC)
  • Speaker: NULL

    Live from DC! Join the SANS Institute as we simulcast the SANS Critical Controls Security Briefing. briefing from the Embassy Suites Hotel. This 1/2 day event provides an update on the Controls effort, will highlight new mappings to other security frameworks and will provide a unique opportunity to engage in dialog around the Controls and learn about key solution capabilities/customer success stories. Register at here to attend in person.


  • 8:00 - 8:30am
    Registration / Breakfast / Networking

  • 8:30am - 8:45am
    Welcome/Opening Remarks
    John Pescatore, Director of Emerging Security Trends

  • 8:45am - 9:30am
    KEYNOTE Insight into US-CERT
    In our opening keynote, Ann Barron-DiCamillo will share her insight into the problems they are seeing and managing. What are the most common types of attacks? Can we identify useful categories patterns, or trends? Are there common root causes that allow attacks to succeed? What are the most effective practices to prevent or remediate them? And finally, what can the Critical Security Controls Community do to help improve the security and confidence we all need in cyberspace?
    Speaker: Ann Barron-DiCamillo, Director of the US-CERT

  • 9:30am - 10:30am
    Solutions Case Study Panel
    Moderated by John Pescatore, SANS Director of Emerging Security Trends
    Chris Strand, Bit9 + Carbon Black
    Timothy Papa, LogRhythm

  • 10:30am - 11:00am
    Networking Break

  • 11:00am - 11:30am
    Demonstrating Value From Implementing the Critical Security Controls
    CEOs, CIOs, Agency Heads and boards of directors often induce dread in security managers by asking a very simple question: "What benefit did that new security control process get us?" The Critical Security Controls have proven to be a powerful way to convince upper management and auditors why we want to focus on certain areas of security first - it is equally important to be able to quantify the improvements in security effectiveness and efficiency after the Controls have been implemented. This presentation will go through some examples of how implementers of the Critical Security Controls have done just that and provide a roadmap for you to do the same.
    John Pescatore, Director of Emerging Security Trends

  • 11:30am - Noon
    What's Next for the Critical Security Controls?
    The Critical Security Controls have evolved from a simple list, to a SANS "consensus" project, to a worldwide grass-roots movement to bring priority and focus to the confusing world of cyber defense. Tony Sager, the Project Leader and Chief Cat-Herder of the Controls, will talk about where this is going: the evolution of the Controls content, the working aides to help enterprise adopters, the ecosystem of supporting projects, the support from solution vendors, and the use of the Controls in larger security mechanisms like the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. This will be an amazing and exciting year for the Critical Security Controls!
    Tony Sager, Director, SANS Institute

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