Alamo Ace Tradeshow 2021

Thanks for visiting us at Alamo ACE! 

We were glad to see you in San Antonio again this year!  Congratulations to the winner of our free NetWars Continuous subscription.

NetWars Continuous provides 150+ cybersecurity challenges, spanning five levels to help your team master the latest skills and technologies. As a turnkey training program, all of the tools needed are included with each four-month subscription. NetWars helps you:

  • Strengthen Cybersecurity Protection: Provide hands-on technical training to ensure your team’s skills are current
  • Find and Develop Cyber Talent: identify, recruit, and retain staff with an aptitude for cybersecurity
  • Reduce Travel Costs: Enable staff to engage in online NetWars Continuous training anytime and anywhere
  • Assess Staff: Use our personalized scorecard to create a customized training program for your personnel
  • Earn GIAC Certification: NetWars Continuous users earn up to 12 CPE credits toward GIAC certification renewal

Free SANS Presentation: Applying Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) in Today’s Environment

In the wake of the massive breach of computer systems of multiple government agencies discovered in December 2020, the US Federal Government is recommending that a Zero Trust security model be considered for all critical networks. As part of this major push to promote ZT adoption, DISA, NIST, and NSA are releasing specific guidelines. But is Zero Trust just a new marketing buzzword, a simple iteration over the well-known 'least privilege ' mindset, or a truly innovative strategy? Is Zero Trust truly attainable? If so, how do you get started and what are some of the tools and technologies that are available to implement it? To answer these questions, join Senior SANS instructor Ismael Valenzuela, co-author of Security 530: Defensible Security Architecture and Engineering, as he shares his experience and provide specific advice on how to implement Zero Trust strategies. This session will be held free of charge, Wednesday Nov. 17th at 10:00 in San Augustine B, and will count towards your CPE!