Women in Cybersecurity Forum, presented by SANS Summits

  • Thursday, 30 Jul 2020 11:00AM EDT (30 Jul 2020 15:00 UTC)
  • Speakers: Parag Baxi, Tarah Wheeler, InfoSteph, Karen Jensen

Women in Cybersecurity: Action & Allies

Thankfully, we've come far enough that we no longer need to make a case for why gender equality in cybersecurity is important and valuable. But the fact that women still represent less than 20% of the workforce in cybersecurity positions shows we have a long way to go. How do we get there?

Achieving gender parity will require two important things: 'action and allies.

Even the most well-intentioned organizations may not realize the gender bias inherent in so many aspects of the hiring process or career milestones like performance reviews. 'We need a clear plan of action to bring traditional HR practices in line with the reality of recruiting, hiring, retaining, and promoting top female cybersecurity professionals.

We also need allies. We need established leaders in the industry to mentor us, advocate for us, and work on changing attitudes in their organizations at a macro level. How do we find ' or create ' allies? How can we be these allies?

Join us for this free forum to dig into these topics.


11:00 - 11:10 am: Welcome & Opening Remarks

11:10 - 11:45 am: Keynote - Building Your Career Board of Directors

Tarah Wheeler '@tarah, Author, 'Women In Tech: Take Your Career to The Next Level With Practical Advice And Inspiring Stories

Whether or not you aspire to the C-suite, you're the CEO of your own life. While no one else will ever be as invested in your career as you are, you can build a strong support team. Tarah will share her wisdom on how to find senior sponsors for your career, what good allyship looks like, and how to pay your success forward to the next generation. '

11:45 am - 12:15 pm: Successful Strategies for Cybersecurity Hiring: 'NICE Resources

Karen Jensen, President, Saaby Consulting; Co-Chair, Workforce Management Subgroup, National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE)

12:15 - 12:30 pm: Break

12:30 - 1:00 pm: Action Plan for Organizational Diversity: 'Influence, Personal Responsibility, and Defining Success

Parag Baxi '@parag_baxi, VP-Product, NopSec

1:00 - 1:30 pm: You Are the Prize: How to Hire the Right Boss and Employer for a More Fulfilling Career

InfoSteph '@StephandSec

You know how job interviews go. Your palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy...and all you've got on your mind is: am I good enough? Will they pick me? Am I technical enough? So often, we go into job interviews eager to present the best version of ourselves with a goal of getting an offer, ready to list all the ways we're the best choice 'and why we deserve that coveted "employed" spot. But what happens when you're on the job and you realize one month later that everything you need to be your best self is not available to you? Or you find out your boss is a living nightmare? Or you figure out that the promotion path they talked about briefly during your interview was nothing more than a pay raise and a title change? Steph's talk will walk you through why operating in a "pick me" mindset may end in tragedy and how to avoid wasting time with a company that is not a fit. Be prepared to receive the inspiration and confidence to politely, but firmly, interview your interviewer the next time you're job hunting.