WhatWorks in Reducing Compliance Costs and Increasing Resilience with Integrity Management Tools

  • Tuesday, 24 Jan 2023 10:30AM EST (24 Jan 2023 15:30 UTC)
  • Speakers: John Pescatore, Dan Schaupner

Maintaining the integrity of critical files, executables and resource configurations is considered basic security hygiene. The Verizon Data Breach Integrity Reports points out each year that the majority of security incidents are enabled by a failure to implement and monitor these controls, even though ever major compliance regime requires compliance be regularly assessed and validated.

During this SANS What Works webcast, SANS Director of Emerging Security Trends John Pescatore interviews Dan Schaupner, head of Digital Security Consulting North America for ATOS, to gain his insight on what he went through in the business justification and deployment of Cimcor’s CimTrak file integrity monitoring tool as part of reducing the cost of securely managing a large customer environment, as well as reducing the time and effort of demonstrating compliance.

Join SANS Pescatore and Dan Schaupner to hear details on his selection, deployment and experience using CimTrak. The webcast includes a discussion of lessons learned and best practices and gives you the opportunity to ask questions to get deeper insight. Download the accompanying whitepaper here.


