The Future of Detection and Response - Is it XDR?

  • Friday, 05 Nov 2021 3:30PM EDT (05 Nov 2021 19:30 UTC)
  • Speakers: Matt Bromiley, Dr. Anton Chuvakin, Utsav Sanghani leads the Extended Detection & Response (XDR) product line at Cybereason.

Security teams are under pressure and attack from nearly every angle and every threat vector. They need cutting-edge detection technology, and most importantly a way to detect, confirm, and investigate attacks without working too hard and without drawing in data. Is that XDR?

Extended Detection and Response (XDR) is touted to deliver comprehensive detection and response across your entire enterprise today and into the future. However, there are many conflicting definitions and opinions on what XDR is and the path to success.

Join Anton Chuvakin, Google’s cyber security industry expert and Utsav Sanghani, Director of Product Management at Cybereason as they discuss how EDR and SIEM technologies have fallen short, break down the key principles of XDR and discuss new detection and response requirements needed to defend the transformed enterprise.

