The Shift to Cloud - Why SASE Changes Security Considerations

  • Friday, 30 Apr 2021 3:30PM EDT (30 Apr 2021 19:30 UTC)
  • Speaker: Brian Tokuyoshi

With the rapid adoption of cloud services underway, organizations are seeing a massive shift in how they implement and manage security. That's because that the goal has moved - no longer are organizations building isolated networks, but rather they are using direct to internet connections to reach cloud applications. This has led to changes in security models as well, with many considering ways to move from managing security for the data center to managing risk with applications.

What has changed?

  • Organizations can no longer depend on network boundaries as a reliable indicator of trust. The security model demands that organizations manage access on a per application basis.
  • Content inspection can't be done at a network boundary, because neither the application, nor the user, may be located near a corporate firewall.
  • The shift from \securing" a data center versus managing the risk of applications that are operated in a cloud vendor's infrastructure.
  • The Secure Access Service Edge model, which defines a converged networking and security cloud-based infrastructure for protecting users and applications regardless of location.

In this session, learn about security considerations for business data in light of the cloud, and how a new concept called the Secure Access Service Edge proposes to change the game.

