According to the latest news, it seems as if the bad guys are winning. They certainly are in some areas; but, if we use the tools we have, we can do better. While there is no silver bullet that will solve all our security problems, what we can do better is correlate information between security tools and programs.
What if you could run small agents on endpoints'servers, workstations, virtual machines, mobile devices, POS terminals and kiosks'that could compare notes with security data derived from other vendors ' network monitoring devices?
With such unified security management, the view into risks and threats originating at mobile, remote or virtual endpoints becomes much clearer. Administrators could find out where a Trojan came from, if it was executed, where it was executed, and what the relevant times were in association with the event. By scanning and then analyzing network and endpoint data together, automated systems can block bad files at the endpoint before they 're allowed to execute or spread on the network.
Join this webcast to learn how to look across the enterprise and corroborate network security and event data with endpoint data to achieve:
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