Note: This webcast is free of charge however a SANS portal account is required (see webcast link for details)
SANS Asia-Pacific Webcast Series- Leveraging OSINT for Better DFIR Investigations
Are you a digital forensic examiner or investigator? Do you use OSINT? Are you unsure if you are using OSINT? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this webinar is for you! Nearly all examiners have used OSINT at one point in their work product, but many are not sure if they are maximizing their use of OSINT. SEC487 author and certified SANS instructor Micah Hoffman and law enforcement digital forensic examiner/detective Jeff Lomas will discuss how OSINT techniques can add value to digital forensic investigations, perform a live demo using OSINT in concert with digital forensics, and discuss how digital forensic examiners can improve their OSINT.