SANS 2022 Threat Hunting Survey: Hunting for a Standard Methodology for Threat Hunting Teams

  • Wednesday, 20 Jul 2022 10:30AM EDT (20 Jul 2022 14:30 UTC)
  • Speakers: Mathias Fuchs, Josh Lemon, John Gamble (Corelight), Jamie Moles (ExtraHop), Chris Borales (Gigamon), Andrew Mundell (Sophos)

This event explores the results of the SANS 2022 Threat Hunting Survey to understand how organizations have progressed over time and where our industry currently lies in finding a methodology to conduct, measure, and improve threat hunting. We’ll also look at the past two years to see if global economic impacts have caused any industry changes that give us cause to rethink our approach to threat hunting.

Key topics will include operationalizing threat hunting, innovative threat hunting tactics and techniques, and new tools that can help threat hunting for both endpoints

and networks.

AGENDA (2-Hour Duration):

• 30 minutes – SANS analysts discuss survey results

• 45-60 minutes – Presentations from selected sponsor representatives

• 30 minutes – Panel discussion led by SANS analysts with selected sponsor representatives

Register for this event today and receive the associated white paper written by SANS Senior Instructors Mathias Fuchs and Josh Lemon.

Join the SANS Analyst Program interactive Slack workspace and you can connect live with SANS authors and sponsor speakers, have a chance to win prizes and network with other attendees.

  • Join once and you're set for this event and all Analyst program survey events in 2022!


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