Black Swans, Gray Rhinos, and Pink Elephants: Why We Should Think More Slowly About Cybersecurity

  • Wednesday, 06 Apr 2022 10:30AM EDT (06 Apr 2022 14:30 UTC)
  • Speaker: Dutch Schwartz

What are black swan events exactly? The term comes to us from behavioral economics, but it gets injected with wild abandon across all fields. In the first of a three-part series, we'll dig into how they happen and why they may be the hidden factor holding back the maturity of our security programs. You'll leave with three actionable tips and a list of resources to coach your teams.

About the Speaker

Dutch Schwartz is a cloud security strategist who collaborates with several of the world’s largest enterprises. He enables CISOs and security architects to safely accelerate cloud adoption which drives business outcomes. A sought-after panelist and speaker on strategy, culture, and cloud security challenges, he holds an MBA in Global Management and cybersecurity certificates from MIT and Harvard University.