Authentication: It Is All About the User Experience

  • Thursday, 13 Jun 2019 3:30PM EDT (13 Jun 2019 19:30 UTC)
  • Speakers: Matt Bromiley, Hormazd Romer

Authentication, including passwords, remains a weak link for enterprise security, despite many attempts to improve or strengthen it. Because people must authenticate themselves, effective authentication depends heavily on users, whose experience and willingness to comply often compromise security. This SANS webcast and associated new paper looks at the current state of authentication and ways to deploy a better process.

SANS senior instructor Matt Bromiley, with insights from Yubico's Hormazd Romer, will talk about the challenges with passwords, existing authentication technologies and recent developments to improve authentication. The role of industry standards, including WebAuthn, will be addressed, along with specific recommendations to implement strong authentication that protects the organization and benefit your users.

Register now and be among the first to receive the associated white paper written by Matt Bromiley.