Gary Fisk

Gary Fisk has built a broad security career at Digex, Oracle, Mandiant, FireEye, and now at Corelight. His career has ranged across security analytics, identity management, data security, threat intelligence, IR and security services, endpoint security (EDR), network security (NSM), and Enterprise Architecture. This somewhat unfocused group of focus areas has resulted from a belief that enterprises must take a pragmatic, risk-driven approach to advancing their security maturity, and focus on tools to improve existing teams, procedures, and environments. Building on a ten-year foundation in IT and security operations, Gary’s history in tools and technology is founded in the cliche’ that “security is a team sport”, and that tools and tech are only valuable if they make the team better.

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Headshot of Gary Fisk


Gary Fisk has built a broad security career at Digex, Oracle, Mandiant, FireEye, and now at Corelight. His career has ranged across security analytics, identity management, data security, threat intelligence, IR and security services, endpoint security (EDR), network security (NSM), and Enterprise Architecture. This somewhat unfocused group of focus areas has resulted from a belief that enterprises must take a pragmatic, risk-driven approach to advancing their security maturity, and focus on tools to improve existing teams, procedures, and environments. Building on a ten-year foundation in IT and security operations, Gary’s history in tools and technology is founded in the cliche’ that “security is a team sport”, and that tools and tech are only valuable if they make the team better.