Austin Hudson

Austin is a developer and hobbyist vulnerability researcher targeting primarily the Microsoft Operating System, as well former Security Consultant at GuidePoint Security, where he conducts most of his research and experiments for the Threat and Attack Simulation Team under various aliases such as 'realoriginal' and 'SecIdiot'.

More About Austin


Austin is a developer and hobbyist vulnerability researcher targeting primarily the Microsoft Operating System, as well former Security Consultant at GuidePoint Security, where he conducts most of his research and experiments for the Threat and Attack Simulation Team under various aliases such as 'realoriginal' and 'SecIdiot'. Some of his exploits and experiments can be found on GitHub concerning true Memory Obfuscation, replicating threats such as DarkPulsar and DoublePulsar, in addition to code snippets experimenting on improving existing capabilities of framework such as Cobalt Strike.