Dealing with a new wave of cyberthreats and risks during a global health crisis presents complex challenges. The number of employees working in remote environments using unfamiliar technologies and networks has grown exponentially in recent weeks as a side effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. And attackers are actively targeting and exploiting these new vulnerabilities to inflict damage on people, businesses, organizations, and nations. Recent headlines illustrate a sudden increase of cyber-attacks and new risks across the globe:
REUTERS -Elite Hackers Target WHO as Coronavirus Cyberattacks Spike
“There has been a big increase in targeting of the WHO and other cybersecurity incidents. There are no hard numbers,but such compromise attempts against us and the use of (WHO) impersonations to target others have more than doubled.” WHO Chief Information- Security Officer Flavio Aggio
TECHCRUNCH - Microsoft Says Hackers are Attacking Windows Users with a New Unpatched Bug
Microsoft says attackers are exploiting a previously undisclosed security vulnerability found in all supported versions of Windows, including Windows 10.
FBI- Kwampirs Malware Targets Healthcare Sector
The FBI has released a private industry notification for the Kwampirs malware. Kwampirs, also known as “Orangeworm,” has been used to target different industries in the past, and according to this latest update, is now also being used to target the healthcare sector. Likely the work of nation state linked attackers, Kwampirs uses the software supply chain to spread.
US DEPT OF JUSTICE- Criminals Actively Exploiting COVID-19 To Commit Fraud And Theft
The FBI has issued a warning of an increase in COVID-19-related fraud schemes. The announcement urges people to be alert to phony messages from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), phishing emails and offers of phony COVID-19 treatment.
SC MAGAZINE- Spyware Disguised as COVID-19 Tracker App Actually Keeps Track of Users
Hackers have weaponized a legitimate COVID-19 tracking map to deliver spyware. Known as SpyMax, the malware can exfiltrate logs for texts and phone calls, and allows the attackers to activate microphones and cameras.
In these unprecedented times, cyber attackers are ramping up their activities, leveraging the uncertainty brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic to find new points of entry and launch malicious attacks while defenses are low.
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In these unprecedented times, cyber attackers are ramping up their activities, leveraging the uncertainty brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic to find new points of entry and launch malicious attacks while defenses are low. SANS Online Training provides access to the same world-class training. Self-paced OnDemand courses or scheduled live-streamed sessions are now available to accommodate the learning needs of any student. Choose the best option for you:
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GIAC certifications validate the knowledge and training of your team members, ensuring you have the critical skills available to combat any threat. For more information about GIAC certification visit: www.giac.org
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