[Cross posted from SANS ISC]
SANS ISC started the Dshield Web Honeypot project roughly one year ago. The goal of this project is to replicate what Dshield had done for the community on the web application side. We are not trying to detect targeted attacks but fast scanning and replicating threats that has potential to affect the whole community quickly.
Similar to the original Dshield project, we rely on volunteers to feed us logs. In the case of web logs, it is not easy to collect detailed log (eg. HTTP header, HTTP body) by using the web server logs alone, this is why we have a PHP + Apache based client component for volunteer to install as their log collector (or honeypot). We are announcing today that the client software for this project is turning beta. Special thanks to the volunteers on this project
For this project to be successful, we need your support in sending us logs. The honeypot client software can be downloaded from the Dshield portal under My Information (login first).
For the impatient, here are the high level instruction.
The installation start off with downloading and untar'ing the code into a directory. Run the config.php under /lib to configure the client. Then run the update-client.php to ensure you have the latest copy of all the code. This process should be followed by running of the update-template.php, which updates all the web pages in the honeypot. After that, it's a matter of configuring the Apache virtual host (sample config under /docs) and it should be all set.
Once you are submitting web logs, the Dshield main portal page should let you view all the logs you are submitting (1 hr time delay). Let us know how this is working out for you.