DFIR Summit 2024 - Threat Hunting Solutions Track

The cybersecurity workforce has exploded in recent years, with more than 1 million available jobs posted in 2023 alone. Daunting is the fact that the demand for skilled employees more than doubles the currently available workforce.

Even for the most seasoned professionals, there is a desperate need to stay on top of the latest attack trends, vulnerabilities and exploits, and to constantly vet the myriad of available tools touted to do the job, or make the role of a threat hunter, intel analyst, ransomware expert, or digital examiner easier or more efficient.

The SANS Threat Solutions Track at the DFIR Summit aims to arm analysts with knowledge of the latest attack trends, research into the artifacts, and insights into multiple tools and techniques that will assist in the timely incident response necessary to keep your business or organization safe and functioning. 


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