Bridge to the Clouds: Unifying Worlds with Entra ID in Hybrid Landscapes

  • Tuesday, 07 Nov 2023 9:00AM EST (07 Nov 2023 14:00 UTC)
  • Speaker: Simon Vernon

The evolution of hybrid cloud environments demands innovative solutions to unify on-premise and cloud-based resources seamlessly. This talk, titled "Bridge to the Clouds: Unifying Worlds with Entra ID in Hybrid Landscapes," illuminates the integration challenges and visibility capabilities provided by Entra ID for reconciling identity and access management in hybrid cloud landscapes.

Learning Objectives:

  • To enlighten the audience on the importance and workings of Entra ID in the realm of hybrid cloud environments.
  • To showcase the mechanisms and benefits of on-premise synchronization within hybrid clouds.
  • To provide practical insights through case studies and real-world applications of Entra ID and on-premise Active Directories.
  • To facilitate discussions on the future trends and advancements in synchronization technologies and hybrid cloud environments.

This webcast supports knowledge and concepts from SEC488: Cloud Security Essentials