Become a SANS Cloud Ace

Supporting your journey into the future of cloud security.

Cloud Ace Journeys

Keep up with the speed of Cloud. Upskill. Reskill. Continue the journey. Multiple collections of three courses by job role to become a well-rounded, future thinking, cloud security practitioner.

What Does It Mean to be a #SANSCloudACE?

  • Security Focused
  • Knowledgeable
  • Experienced Hands-on
  • Confident
  • Forward-thinking
  • Aware of the bigger picture

Whether you are taking on a technical or leadership flight, SANS Cloud Security curriculum has cloud security training, cloud security certification, a wealth of free cloud security resources to support your journey.

Complete one SANS Cloud Security course plus the corresponding GIAC Certification to earn SANS Cloud Ace status.

Wireframe and Flight Plan Course Guide

Cloud Security Wireframe & Flight Plan | Plot Your Course

Navigate your cloud security course load with confidence using our Cloud Security Wireframe and Flight Plan. This easy-to-use guide is designed for both individual and organizations, outlining which courses best meet the requirements of top cloud security roles. Download your copy today and start plotting your course to success.


Why Hire a #SANSCloudAce

  • Confidence in hands-on cloud security skills
  • Assurance in current and cutting edge skill set
  • Ability to make technical recommendations
  • Knowledge of multiple cloud providers
“SANS cloud security, automation, and container trainings and references have been critical for my employees to stay current with the volatile cloud landscape. As a hiring leader we continue to struggle to find the unicorn combination of Security/Development/Operations, and the emerging SANS trainings have been instrumental in supporting the industry’s development opportunities. Frank Kim and the rest of the expert SANS Cloud Instructor community are the tip of the spear leading this new focus area!!!”

- Jason Morris, Director, Cloud Security Engineering, USAA


Great course and I'd like to say thank you for this opportunity to learn from a great teacher and to be part of a SANS course.
Mark Bridewell
This challenged me like other trainings have not. This has been an excellent learning experience.
Nicole McDowell
I love the technical nature of SANS courses. The hands-on and practical information overall is so much better than other courses.
Barbara Baj

    "SANS cloud training and GIAC certifications gave me the skills and knowledge I needed to land my dream job in cloud security. If you're looking for a career in this field, I highly recommend getting certified. I can personally attest to the value." - Ivan Santos

    According to AppDeveloperMagazine, fundamental cloud computing skills remain the most relevant and in-demand skills in 2023, outpacing machine learning and artificial intelligence. Of tech leaders, 75% are building all new products and features in the cloud moving forward, but only 8% of technologists have significant cloud-related skills and experience. Enterprises must invest as much effort in migrating their talent to the cloud as they are in migrating their applications.

    Your organization is going to need someone with hands-on technical experience and cloud security-specific knowledge to navigate the risk-reward continuum. You will be prepared not only for your current role, but also for a cutting-edge future in cloud security.

    To learn how you can become a #SANSCloudAce or build a team of Ace’s contact our team today.