State of Threat Detection – The Defenders’ Dilemma

Today’s security operations (SecOps) teams are tasked with protecting progressively sophisticated, fast-paced cyberattacks. Detecting, investigating and stopping advanced hybrid cyber-attacks at scale and speed is becoming increasingly unsustainable with the complexity of people, process and technology SecOps teams have at their disposal. A perfect storm of an ever-expanding attack surface, highly evasive and emerging attacker methods, and increasing SOC analyst workloads is resulting in a vicious spiral of more for SOC teams.

In this “Ask the Expert” Webinar, we will explore an independent global study of 2,000 SecOps analysts, and dive headfirst into the spiral of more that SOC analysts face. Join Matt Bromiley of SANS and the authors of the State of Threat Detection research Mark Wojtasiak, Tommy Jenkins from Vectra AI. We promise it won’t be a regurgitation of stats from the report (you can read it for yourself). Instead, let’s talk about the “why” the spiral of more exists and how we break it before more SOC analysts hit their own breaking point and quit.


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