Intro to WinDbg Part 1: The Beginning

  • Monday, 24 Feb 2025 3:30PM EST (24 Feb 2025 20:30 UTC)
  • Speaker: Jonathan Reiter

Have you ever wanted to debug Windows binaries with WinDbg, but just not sure where to start? Well, this brand new series of workshops is for you! This series of workshops will start with the absolute basics of WinDbg and debugging in general. By the end of the entire series, you will be much more comfortable with WinDbg and will understand what's happening under the hood a bit more.

Printf debugging, where you have several calls to printf() to show progress, only gets you so far. Eventually you will have to formally debug your program and look at the assembly of it all. Any debugger is great, but for Windows programs, WinDbg is perfect especially if you need kernel support. WinDbg is designed to be a program that allows you to inspect various parts of a program's execution, inspect memory, change bytes, set breakpoints (pausing execution), and more. It is another tool that any dev, malware analyst, reverse engineer, etc. would need to be familiar with for their job.

System Requirements:

This webcast supports content from SANS Institute SEC670: Red Teaming Tools - Developing Windows Implants, Shellcode, Command and Control™. To learn more about this course, explore upcoming sessions, and access your FREE demo, click here.