An Interactive Pentest Experience

  • Tuesday, 16 Mar 2021 10:30AM EDT (16 Mar 2021 14:30 UTC)
  • Speakers: Matt Bromiley, Naz Bozdemir

Finding value in security operations is a primary goal for organizations. Consistent testing of security controls is one way to ensure that solutions are delivering on expectations. However, penetration testing is thought of as an \external" or "hands-off" service performed, often reducing impact and findings to a final report. What if organizations could turn external testing into an interactive experience, they could use to regularly evaluate and increase their security posture?

In this webcast, SANS instructor Matt Bromiley describes how Cobalt's "pentest as a service" platform provides a unique, hands-on approach to this traditional security capability.

Specifically, Bromiley shares his experiences using Cobalt to:

  • Define assets and schedule penetration tests to achieve results within a matter of days, not weeks.
  • Gain insights into current and previous operations by using detailed key metrics.
  • Work one-on-one with Cobalt's live testers, providing an impactful, interactive experience.
  • Evaluate the results of penetration tests via up-to-date reports purposed for compliance.
  • Create and prioritize actionable steps to quickly remediate vulnerabilities.

Register today to be among the first to receive the associated whitepaper written by Matt Bromiley.


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