2024 SANS Artificial Intelligence Solutions Track

  • Tuesday, 29 Oct 2024 12:00PM EDT (29 Oct 2024 16:00 UTC)
  • Speaker: Matt Edmondson

Two years ago, artificial intelligence (AI) was primarily a buzzword, but the times have changed quickly! The rapid integration of artificial intelligence in multiple sectors has revolutionized operational efficiency, data analytics, and automation.

Join us for our SANS HackFest Solutions Track, when we'll dive into AI-focused solutions and explore how leading cybersecurity companies are implementing AI into their offerings. This track will feature discussions on a variety of topics, including successes, challenges, and strategies to utilize these emerging technologies to help secure our organizations and accomplish tasks that weren’t feasible until now.

Forum Highlights:

  • Discover how industry leading technologies and techniques can enhance your ability to examine and analyze incidents like never before using AI
  • Learn from industry leaders as they dive into cutting-edge use case studies and specific examples, while highlighting how the integration of AI can provide unprecedented insights and advantages
  • Interact with the SANS chair Matthew Edmonson, speakers and peers in the interactive Slack workspace by posting questions and discussing the forum topic
AI Solutions Track Hackfest Hollywood 2024

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