AI & ChatGPT Solutions Forum 2023

  • Friday, 01 Sep 2023 10:30AM EDT (01 Sep 2023 14:30 UTC)
  • Speaker: Matt Bromiley

AI seems to have taken the world by storm lately. From ChatGPT to automated spear phishing techniques, the security world has already seen changes in processes, automation, and threat detection - not to mention attack techniques! The recent surge of AI opens up opportunities for both defenders and adversaries alike. What can we build? What can we automate? How can we use AI to augment security to buy time and add another layer of defense to our enterprise?

In this AI-focused solutions forum, we’ll examine how AI will continue to change the security landscape. After all - tools for one are tools for many. Just as defenders benefit from AI capabilities, adversaries have found their own uses. From writing malware to discovering vulnerable systems, threat actors have found efficiencies using AI capabilities. Defenders must be prepared for how AI will help bolster defenses, while adversaries use it to ramp up their attacks.

Join us for our first-ever SANS AI & ChatGPT Solutions Forum, where we will discuss the risks, vulnerabilities, and benefits linked with the rapid introduction of machine learning and artificial intelligence in the world. Information security experts will bring their ideas, theories, and case studies of how AI will impact security for years to come.

Join in on the action! Connect with fellow attendees and our event chairs in the SANS Solutions Forum Interactive Slack Workspace. Sign in once and you'll be all set for the rest of our 2023 Solutions Forums. We'll see you there!

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Agenda | September 1, 2023 | 10:30AM - 1:15PM EDT

Eric Avigdor, VP of Product, Votiro

Time (EDT)



Welcome and Opening Remarks

Matt Bromiley, Certified Instructor, SANS Institute


Applying AI to your SOC to Accelerate Performance and Improve Your Security Posture

SOCs and the people who support them are under relentless pressure to stay ahead of well-funded, unconstrained adversaries that innovate continuously. This dynamic is now being accelerated by the ubiquitous adoption of AI/Generative technologies, which is rapidly taking the global security landscape to an inflection point. In this webinar, former CISO and Anomali VP of Threat Research Steve Benton will discuss the application of AI to SOC performance as it applies to managing internal telemetry against external threats, its role in optimizing SIEM performance, and its role in driving automation to support remediation measured in seconds rather than weeks.

Steve Benton, VP of Anomali Threat Research, Anomali

Erick Ingleby, VP of Product Management, Anomali


AI Hallucinations and Manipulation: How to Use AI Coding Tools Securely

Generative AI can help you write code faster, but is it secure? Learn how you can leverage the power of AI to increase your velocity while mitigating risks and staying secure. Join security expert Randall Degges for a live session where he'll walk through:

- Overview of AI hallucinations and AI security risks

- The dangers LLMs present to secure coding, such as completing code suggestions that are vulnerable

How to use generative AI coding tools, like Chat-GPT and Copilot, securely

Randall Degges, Head of Developer Relations and Community, Snyk




PANEL: Using AI to Empower and Free Up Your Analysts

Join Matt, Eric, and Nick for our end-of-day panel to discuss how AI is not just faster and better alerts. We'll examine how faster and higher fidelity security results empower analysts and free up their schedules to focus on the problems that matter - not spending time chasing down false positives! We'll discuss how AI can be instrumental in refining detections and helping identify true positive hits - meaning your security analysts are using their time to protect the organization, not protect the bad guys.

Eric Avigdor, VP of Product, Votiro

Nick Landers, VP of Research NetSPI


Closing Remarks

Matt Bromiley, Certified Instructor, SANS Institute