Jeroen Beckers

Jeroen is Mobile Solution Lead of the NVISO Cyber Resilience team, responsible for all mobile engagements and mobile security research for the company. He loves programming on both high and low level stuff, and likes deep diving into the Android internals. Jeroen is lead author for SANS Course SEC575: Mobile Device Security and Ethical Hacking, a trainer for OWASP Benelux, and is co-author of the OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG) and the OWASP Mobile Security Verification Standard (MASVS).

More About Jeroen


Jeroen was hooked on security after losing complete track of time trying to create buffer overflows for a course on binary exploitation at university. In that same year he would go on to take a web security course and discovered that he really loved figuring out how applications work, but also, more importantly, how to 'abuse' them. Eventually he would go on to write his Master thesis, Strengthening the Security of Webviews on Android, and continue his journey through mobile security.

“The security field is so big, and new things are discovered every day. It's an industry where standing still means going backwards.” Jeroen is always finding more things to learn, more tools to test, and more stuff to reverse-engineer. He loves talking about mobile security and teaching students all the awesome skills that mobile security consultants possess. When teaching, Jeroen finds that students are often surprised about how big the mobile security world is itself. As a result, even though SEC575 covers the basics, he says, “it's so much information that I find myself referencing additional content as much as possible so that students can further study after the course.”

Beyond authoring SEC575 and co-authoring the OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG) and the OWASP Mobile Security Verification Standard (MASVS), Jeroen is heavily involved with the cyber security, volunteering for several annual events, and dedicating time to helping others learn. He is a faculty member of the SANS Technology Institute, an NSA Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense and multiple winner of the National Cyber League competition. Along with a few colleagues from NVISO, Jeroen organizes the Cyber Security Challenge Belgium, a yearly cybersecurity competition for Belgian students, and is also the Coach of Team Belgium when competing in the European Cyber Security Challenge. He is one of the BSides Brussels organizers, an active CTF player in HacknamStyle (the KU Leuven CTF team), and is a regular contributor to the NVISO blog. He notes, "Whenever I get a question from somebody by email, it must mean that the answer is difficult to find. So, I write a blogpost about the subject. I really like it when colleagues or students google something and end up on one of my blogposts."

When he’s not researching or helping others learn about mobile security, Jeroen likes playing piano, lockpicking for fun, reverse-engineering stuff, and going out for bike rides.

Here is a SANS presentation from Jeroen Beckers:

Additional Contributions By Jeroen Beckers:


Freedom with Frida – Dynamic Instrumentation on Android/iOS
Mobile Application Static Analysis