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Ashish Rajan: Developer-First Security with CASB, CIEM, CNAPP, CSPM, and CWPP | 12

Cloud Ace • 2022-12-06

Brandon Evans and fellow cloud security podcaster Ashish Rajan, host of the Cloud Security Podcast and Principal Cloud Security Advocate for Snyk, chat about developer-first security, multicloud abstraction layers, cybersecurity conferences, and the 5 Cs of cloud security products (CASB, CIEM, CNAPP, CSPM, and CWPP).

Our Guest - Ashish Rajan

Ashish Rajan is the host of the wildly popular Cloud Security Podcast, a CISO, CyberSecurity Influencer, a SANS Trainer for Cloud Security and an outspoken opinion leader on all things Cloud Security & DevSecOps.
He is a frequent contributor on topics related to public cloud transformation, DevSecOps, Future Tech and the associated security challenges for practitioners and CISOs.

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Sponsor’s Note:

Support for Cloud Ace podcast comes from SANS Institute. If you like the topics covered in this podcast and would like to learn more about cloud security, SANS Cloud Security curriculum is here to support your journey into building, deploying, and managing secure cloud infrastructure, platforms, and applications. Whether you are on a technical flight plan, or a leadership one, SANS Cloud Security curriculum has resources, training, and certifications to fit your needs.

Focus on where the cloud is going, not where it is today. Your organization is going to need someone with hands-on technical experience and cloud security-specific knowledge. You will be prepared not only for your current role, but also for a cutting-edge future in cloud security.

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