Bitmining Operation Discovered in School Crawlspace; Charges Filed Against Former Town Employee
Editor's Note
I’m sure this will be a Netflix mini-series in a few weeks! Remember the days of having to check the PBX phone bills for employee misuse? “Bitmining” means doing that for the electric bill. But, a good overall reminder that unauthorized use (by employees or intruders) of computing systems needs to be detected.

John Pescatore
Cryptocurrency mining requires a lot of electricity to both power and cool the equipment. If you can figure that piece out, then the mining operation can be profitable. I am a bit surprised that in a high energy cost state like Massachusetts, government officials didn’t notice the spike in electricity costs sooner, to bring this crypto mining capper to a close.

Curtis Dukes
Cryptomining uses a lot of power, so in places like New England where power is expensive, it's hard to be profitable unless you find a way to offset that cost. In this case, about $17.5K of power was purloined from the school. If you're not already watching for unexplained spikes in your power bill to detect mining, add that to your list.

Lee Neely
Can you imagine you and a friend setup a crypto miner in high school and the US Coast Guard is called? I am sure some 15-year-olds are completely freaked out right now. The question is what happens next? Hopefully, they are guided in the right direction and not treated solely as criminals.