ISC provides a free analysis and warning service to thousands of Internet users and organizations, and is actively working with Internet Service Providers to fight back against the most malicious attackers.
Using ChatGPT to Deobfuscate Malicious Scripts
Published: 2024-03-13
Last Updated: 2024-03-13 08:26:17 UTC
by Xavier Mertens (Version: 1)
Today, most of the malicious scripts in the wild are heavily obfuscated. Obfuscation is key to slow down the security analyst's job and to bypass simple security controls. They are many techniques available. Most of the time, your trained eyes can spot them in a few seconds but it remains a pain to process manually. How to handle them? For some of them, you have tools like, developed by Didier, to convert classic encodings back to strings. Sometimes, you can write your own script (time consuming) or use a Cyberchef recipe. To speed up the analysis, why not ask some help to AI tools? Let's see a practical example with ChatGPT.
Yesterday, I found a malicious Python script ... with a low VirusTotal score of 2/61. When I had a look at it, it was obfuscated with the following techniques. All interesting strings were hex-encode, compressed and Base64-encoded ...
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Microsoft Patch Tuesday - March 2024
Published: 2024-03-12
Last Updated: 2024-03-12 17:53:50 UTC
by Johannes Ullrich (Version: 1)
This month's patches are oddly "light". We have patches for 60 vulnerabilities and 4 Chromium patches affecting Microsoft Edge. But only two of the vulnerabilities are rated as "Critical":
CVE-2024-21408: Windows Hyper-V Denial of Service Vulnerability
CVE-2024-21407: Windows Hyper-V Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Oddly, Microsoft considers a DoS vulnerability "critical". However, a DoS against Hyper-V could have a significant impact, which may justify the rating. The code execution vulnerability justifies a rating of critical. However, exploitation requires an attacker to first gain a foothold inside a virtual machine.
Other vulnerabilities of interest:
CVE-2024-26198: A remote code execution vulnerability for Exchange Server. This is a DLL loading issue that is typically more difficult to exploit. Authentication is required to exploit the vulnerability.
Overall, this Patch Tuesday doesn't look too bad. Follow your normal patch management process. There is no need to get all worked up; tomorrow morning: Have some coffee, test... and later deploy once the tests are completed successfully.
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What happens when you accidentally leak your AWS API keys? [Guest Diary]
Published: 2024-03-10
Last Updated: 2024-03-11 01:12:57 UTC
by Guy Bruneau (Version: 1)
[This is a Guest Diary by Noah Pack, an ISC intern as part of the BACS program]
As a college freshman taking my first computer science class, I wanted to create a personal project that would test my abilities and maybe have some sort of return. I saw a video online of someone who created a python script that emailed colleges asking for free swag to be shipped to him. I liked the idea and adapted it. I created a script that emailed companies and asked for free swag, knowing that most conferences that year had been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I wrote my script, made a new email account for the script to use, created a list of ten companies it would email, and it worked flawlessly. To celebrate my achievement, I uploaded my code to GitHub. The next thing I knew, I was getting login attempts to the email address I set up for my script to use. I had hardcoded the email address and password into my code, and my computer science class didn’t teach us safe programming practices.
My situation had no ill consequences, but it could have if I had used my actual email for the script or if my project was bigger and I had used AWS or another cloud provider and hardcoded those credentials. In a later class I did learn how to safely pass credentials to my scripts without fear of leaking them on GitHub, but leaked credentials remained on my mind. This led me to the question “What happens when you leak your AWS API keys?”
In this article, I will share some research, resources, and real-world data related to leaked AWS API keys. I won’t get into scenarios where credentials are stored properly but stolen via a vulnerability, only where a developer or other AWS user hardcodes their credentials into a GitHub repository or a website.
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