HackFest Hollywood 2024 - Call for Presentations

Deadline: Friday, June 14, 5:00 p.m. EDT

The Summit Call for Presentations is now closed.

Summit: Oct 28-29 | Hollywood, CA & Live OnlineSANS HackFest Hollywood will bring together all aspects of the offensive side of cybersecurity. Whether it’s penetration testing, adversary emulation, exploitation, or red teaming, there will be keynotes, workshops, CTFs, and other spooky surprises for you to sink your teeth into.

The Summit Call for Presentations has closed and the advisory board is busy reviewing submissions. The advisory board carefully evaluates proposals to ensure the Summit agenda delivers actionable content that meets the needs of the community.

In the meantime, to get a taste of the type of dynamic presentations and speakers we're looking for, check out these talks from last year's HackFest.

If you're interested in speaking at an upcoming SANS Summit, learn more here and sign up to be notified as new CFPs open.


We are interested in proposed talks on topics including, but not limited to:

  • Red Teaming
  • Adversarial Machine Learning and AI
  • Cloud Pen Testing
  • Exploit Development
  • Purple Teaming
  • Web3
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Hacking
  • Mobile Device Security and Hacking
  • Social Engineering
  • Assumed Breach
  • Source Code Assisted Pen Testing
  • API Pen Testing
  • Offensive Malware

Deadline: Friday, June 14, 5:00 p.m. EDT

*At this time, we are prioritizing talks delivered in person in Hollywood.

Questions? Email: SummitSpeakers@sans.org

Practical Advice for Submitting a Talk

Giving presentations at conferences is a great way to share your expertise, expand your professional network, and bolster your personal brand. But how do you submit a proposal that sets you apart from the crowd? Britta Glade, Director of Content for RSA Conference, and Dawn Cappelli, CISO of Rockwell Automation and program committee member for RSA Conference, have reviewed literally thousands of proposals, and share their tips for getting yours noticed and selected.