
Learn and grow with SANS Security Awareness continuing education courses. At SANS Security Awareness we not only want to provide you the skills, training and resources to successfully manage a mature awareness program but we want to help grow and develop your career.

MGT433: Managing Human Risk - Mature Security Awareness Programs

Organizations have invested a tremendous amount of money and resources into securing technology, but little if anything into securing their workforce. As a result, people, not technology, have become the primary attack vector for cyber attackers. The most effective way to manage your organization's human risk is to establish a mature security awareness program that goes beyond compliance, changes people's behaviors, and ultimately creates a secure culture. This three-day intensive course will teach you the key concepts and skills needed to do just that, whether you are establishing a new program or maturing an existing one. The course content is based on lessons learned from hundreds of security awareness programs from around the world. You will learn not only from your instructor, but from extensive interaction with your peers. Finally, through a series of labs and exercises, you will develop your own custom plan to implement as soon as you return to your organization.

 In Person, Live Online and OnDemand - Learn More and Sign Up

MGT521 - Five Day Security Culture Course

Cybersecurity management is no longer just about technology. It is ultimately about organizational change - change not only in how people think about security but in what they prioritize and how they act, from the Board of Directors to every corner of the organization. Organizational change is a field of management study that enables leaders to analyze, plan, and then improve their operations and structures by focusing on people and culture.

Drawing on real-world lessons from around the world, the SANS MGT521 course will teach you how to leverage the principles of organizational change in order to develop, maintain, and measure a security-driven culture. Through hands-on instruction and a series of interactive labs and exercises, you will apply the concepts of organizational change to a variety of different security initiatives and quickly learn how to embed security into your organization's culture.

In Person, Live Online and OnDemand - Learn More and Sign Up

Go beyond compliance. Build, grow and measure your security awareness program easily with SANS Security Awareness Training. Increase engagement and maximize effectiveness.