Bonus Session Registration

ICS Attack Surfaces

  • Dr. Eric Cole
  • Wednesday, March 19th, 6:15pm - 8:30pm

This presentation is free but space is limited and allocated on a first-registered basis. Please click the link below to register.

Registration- 6:15-6:30

Presentations- 6:30-8:30

This presentation is sponsored by AISA and will take place at Uni Pub - Level 3, Uni Pub, 17 London Circuit, Canberra.

Dr. Eric Cole will be the second of two speakers.

In today's age, our Industrial Control Systems (ICS) make up the majority of most nations' critical infrastructure. And where it isn't critical infrastructure, ICS systems often make up the backbone of each nation's manufacturing effort and play a critical part of each nation's wealth creation. Because of this, there are plenty of reasons for malicious actors to attack ICS systems. These attacks could be launched by individuals or organizations for the purpose of financial gain (or ruin), corporate espionage, hacktivism, or terrorist activities.

Information warfare is also of grave concern since many nations are now actively involved in cyber espionage and preparation for cyber warfare. Our last group of people that always must be considered are the countless numbers of individuals that like trying to attack organizations to test themselves, enhance their education, and gain recognition from their peers. In order to protect a system, you must understand how the attack works. In this webcast, we will look at the various ICS attack surfaces and ways organizations can defend against them.


Space is limited, please register if you would like to attend:


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