What Did Solarwinds Teach Us? Preventing Office 365 and Connected Cloud Attacks

  • Friday, 26 Feb 2021 1:00PM EST (26 Feb 2021 18:00 UTC)
  • Speakers: Sundaram Lakshmanan, Matt Hines

The massive SolarWinds breach exposed an unpleasant reality as it relates to 'trust compromise ', Office 365 and other connected cloud applications. So now what?

Organizations must share sensitive data with partners and customers, and this data is increasingly present in cloud services. Given the risks posed by connected clouds, we clearly need a better approach to address pervasive issues of access, security and data protection. This strategy must encompass not only Office 365, but all the popular applications present in multi-cloud environments, including Salesforce, ServiceNow, Slack, Box, and many others.

Join us for this Best Practices webinar in which we will further examine the bigger story behind the SolarWinds-Office 365 incident, and detail connected cloud security requirements including:

● Determining the current state of cloud and data access controls

● Identifying and classifying specific cloud service and data risks

● Isolating and alerting lateral cloud threats as they evolve

● Adapting access to support remote workforce requirements

● Monitoring and remediating cloud applications configurations

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