Securing Connected Vehicles what you need to know

  • Wednesday, 04 Apr 2018 10:30AM EDT (04 Apr 2018 14:30 UTC)
  • Speakers: Matt Carpenter, Kai Thomsen, Dr. Andr Weimerskirch

This webcast will discuss how organizations in the extended automotive supply chain will need to adopt a culture of security to arm their teams against the complex battle-field created by connected vehicles.


While the word \hack" has been used, and misused, to mean many things in this industry, the most important concept to Suppliers and OEMs is this: hack yourself, bring friends, drive continuous improvement. With constant Internet and DSRC connectivity, vehicle vendors and infrastructure-providers have to act now to avoid Carpocalypse.


Join the webcast with Matt Carpenter to discuss what will it mean to hack a car and what tools the automotive industry can leverage to safeguard vehicles from your daily driver to fleet and heavy machinery.

Meet Matt Carpenter, Principal Security Researcher with Grimm, at the Automotive Cybersecurity Summit this May in Chicago. The summit will include two days of in-depth presentations from leading automotive industry cybersecurity experts, seasoned practitioners, industry consortia, policymakers and innovative product and system designers. Participate in hands-on demos, learning exercises, and networking opportunities.