Lessons Learned from the TalkTalk Breach - A Master\\'s Candidate Webcast

  • Monday, 18 Dec 2017 3:30PM EST (18 Dec 2017 20:30 UTC)
  • Speaker: Ed Yuwono

In October 2015, UK telecommunications company TalkTalk suffered a breach resulting in the loss of over 156,000 customer records, the loss of 100, 000 customers and a '60 million remediation bill. Soon after the breach, the data stolen was traced back to a single unpatched system. As criminal and regulatory investigations have now concluded, further information has been released outlining the systematic failures over a period of time which resulted in the breach.This talk will review the findings from the investigations, identify the points of failure over the course of the breach and controls that could aid TalkTalk with detecting or preventing the breach.