SEC642: Killing snakes for fun, Flask SSTIs and RCEs in Python

  • Monday, 13 Jan 2020 1:00PM EST (13 Jan 2020 18:00 UTC)
  • Speaker: Moses Frost

Here is a word: Reflection. How many times have you read the words SSTI or even CSTI and wondered what they actually did, how they worked, or how to execute one? How can you take a file reading vulnerability like SSTI into a Remote Code Execution exploit? In this talk we will give you a glance into the SEC642 topic on Server Side Template Injection in Flask and taking that one concept a few steps further by introducing Python Method Reflection to execute code, and even backdoors. Join Moses Frost as he discusses this and other topics that are found in SEC642: Advanced Web App Penetration Testing, Ethical Hacking, and Exploitation Techniques.