Collecting OSINT: Grabbing Your Data Now to Use Later

  • Tuesday, 17 Jul 2018 11:00PM EDT (18 Jul 2018 03:00 UTC)
  • Speaker: Josh Huff

The tools and resources used by OSINT investigators greatly influence their abilities to discover other research lines to pursue also known as data pivots. Often, these resource collections are a bookmarked list of websites and some favorite tools the investigator has found useful. Let us enhance your capabilities by showing you the power of creating and using your own offline collections of OSINT-related data. Tree leaves, images of the insides of hotel rooms, pictures of cars and car parts all play parts in jumping ahead in your investigations. Imagine if you found an image of a blanket in a picture on a target's social media and could compare that against your local image bank to discover what hotel chain uses those blankets. And that is just the beginning! In this webcast, you will learn how to recognize and collect resources that will create your own private information caches (built on OSINT data) to help in future OSINT investigations. '